Born: 12/12/2018
Sire: V Brando Von der Lordschaft
Dam: Rogue America
See Pedigree HERE
Creed is a stunning dark sable German Shepherd male with a big blocky head, thick body, and near perfect conformation and big bone.
He has great drives, deep, hard bite, smart, learns quickly and works with sharpness. Even though he’s big, he is very athletic and agile.
Fearless, confident, naturally protective of his person and excellent civil drive. He has a great on off switch. When he’s working, he’s working but he can also quiet down and relax.
Creed comes from a very strong and impressive bloodline of k9 PD and sport dogs and we expect him to pass these traits on. His sire is V Brando Von der Lordschaft and he is out of Rogue America.
Creed Vom Haefner
(V Brando von der Lordschaft x Rogue America)
Certified Narcotic Detection K9 , CGC, CGCA, CGCU, TKN, TKI, TKA, RN .
K9 Patrol School Training
Working security K9
Born: December 12, 2018
Hips OFA Good
Elbow OFA normal
DM Tested: Clear
Dark sable
Weight : 105 pounds
V Brando Von der Lordschaft
SCHH3, AD, BH, certified PD K9
Breed Survey : HD - ZW 76
Born: August 3, 2010
HD/ED : a normal/ normal
DM Tested : Clear
Imported From Germany
Titled in Germany
Weight: 103 pounds
Brando is a tall, thick bodied, blocky headed dog with a beautiful black sable color with excellent conformation and big bones. He has earned his AD, BH, SCHH 1, SCHH 2 and SCHH 3 title in Germany and also a V rating. His scores were very high in all 3 phases of the title. When he came to the USA he went through a police dog certification and was certified as a PD dog. One of our favorite traits about
Brando is his steady, fearless temperament and excellent on/off switch. Which makes him a great competition dog but also a great family dog. He is a powerful dog when working but very gentle with children. He is very easy to train and adapts to situations easily and with confidence. He is a proven sire with many offspring having Schutzhund titles and many as PD dogs.
He passes on his even temperament. He has a dream pedigree with many, many outstanding dogs in it. His father Zar, who is so serious and tough, could only be titled to a Sch-H2. He is V rated. His grandfathers are Ellute and Ajax, both V rated with Sch-H3 titles and his great grandfathers are all dogs that competed in the LGA or WUSV.
Rogue America
Title: BH , Certified Gun Detection k9, Certified Narcotic Detection k9
Elbows Normal
DM: Clear
Born : December 12, 2015
Weight : 65 pounds
Rogue is a smaller female of ideal height and weight. Near perfect conformation with an alert and focused expression, coupled with her stunning black sable coat coloring. She has an excellent work ethic; no quit. High prey drive and high ball drive. She isn’t just a high drive dog; she is often described by others as a hyperdrive dog. She will never quit and can work and go all day. Highly intelligent and easy to train as she learns very quickly.
She is very athletic and very agile. She is fearless and very confident and has a willingness to try new things. She is excellent with children; naturally loving and gentle with small things. Very loving and sweet but very protective of her family, she will bite for real. Rogue comes from excellent bloodlines.
Her sire is Back Slowakia Idol is an import from Slovakia. His titles are; BH , ZVV1, IPO3, APr1, APr2, APr3, CD, GN, CDX, CGC,FO,P1(H), P1S(H), PD1, P2 (H), P2S, PD2, OB3. (That’s 18 titles listed) His Korung was done in Slovakia with a 5V5/55. This is the best rating a dog can get! He is 26 inches tall and 85 pounds. Back’s sire, Rogue’s Grandsire is the well known V Hank Vom Wechbergblick. No other dog has done what Hank has done; winning the German Championship, the 7 Laenderwettkampf three times and then reaching the pinnacle by winning the World Championship 3 times in a row.
Rogue’s mother is just as impressive. Brook Maetus titles are: SchH, BH, FO, PD1, P1(H), P2S,PD2, P2(H), PD3, PD3(H), BN, CD, CGC. ( 13 titles while being bred in between them!) Rogue’s pedigree is loaded with top dogs with titles of BSP, LG, Seiger, WUSV.