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Elenor of Kreative

Born: 12/31/2018

Sire: V Vello von der Prinzenbruncke

​​​Dam: Grace of Kreative

See Pedigree HERE


Rayge is a stunning, sweet, friendly, athletic protector. She is one of the sweetest and most loyal dogs to her family but is a fierce protector. She has incredible natural obedience; always watching her handler. Insane ball drive, great hunt drive, and natural civil drive. Her bite work is deep, with full mouth grips and she exudes confidence and athletic ability. She is completely dog neutral and a child can climb all over her. Yet, at a moments notice given a command she will leap into action and work. Rayge passes on her extreme loyalty. We jokingly call her a stage 5 clinger as she will never wander to far from us or home. She is 100% livestock neutral and can be out with any livestock animal.  She patrols the property at night and works. 


Her pups show a strong desire to please, they are extremely loyal and are easy to train. 

Rayge comes from a long line of serious working dogs. Her sire, V Vello von der Prinzenbruncke has a high prey drive with the ability to shut it off when resting. He is an import from Germany where he earned his SCHH 3 with high scores. He’s a big boned, blocky headed boy who sires high drive pups and stable temperaments. 


Grace of Kreative, Rayge's mother, comes from a very serious, police and personal protection side. Her mothers sire; grandsire, is Kimbo vom Klister Thendibga. He was imported from Germany and was titled to his SCHH3 in Germany. Kimbo was a large, strong blocky headed dog with a very serious and high amount of aggression towards strangers. His pedigree is very impressive with many outstanding dogs in it which are known worldwide. 


Rayge’s grandmother was by the Police k9 Wasco von der Salztal Hohe. Wasco was a very strong, confident dog who sired many police k9s. 

The bloodlines go back to some incredible police dogs from Germany. 

The cross between Vello and Grace balanced the pedigree giving dogs with trainability, high drive but the ability to relax and be in a home setting. 


Rayge’s pups are all working. All have shown to have a strong desire to be with their handler and to please. Several of the pups have PD level drives, one of which is being considered by a PD department, but stable enough temperaments to make good civilian working/protection dogs. Several have made great family pets but still have a ton of drive to work but again have such a stable temperament that they are able to settle and be family dogs. A couple of them are being prepared for IGP and the trainer raves about them. We are extremely excited about this repeat litter. The pups are so smart and so stable that we expect another phenomenal litter. 




  • DM clear by parentage

  • OFA elbows normal


  • Personal protection dog

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